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Running a full arm64 system stack under QEMU



Revision history:


Although writing and executing arm64 Linux userspace applications on real hardware is relatively straightforward, deploying changes to lower levels of the system stack such as the kernel, hypervisor and firmware is considerably more challenging. This is largely thanks to the lack of accessible, affordable development hardware being made available to system developers and the presence of buggy, opaque, proprietary firmware on the limited offerings that can be obtained. Throw in the usual lack of technical documentation and it's practically impossible to find a useful machine.

QEMU offers a partial solution to this problem and, whilst not a complete substitute for executing systems code on real hardware, it provides a highly functional development environment to facilitate rapid prototyping, basic testing and integration of an entire software stack.

This document is intended as a guide to getting QEMU up and running on an x86 machine so that it is possible to develop hypervisor code for arm64. I'm assuming a Debian-based x86 system with everything running in the user's home directory, but you probably want to tailor that to your own needs.

Install QEMU

Since we're going to be relying on some relatively recent QEMU features (and bug fixes!), it's best to build QEMU from source:

:~$ sudo apt-get build-dep qemu
:~$ git clone https://git.qemu.org/git/qemu.git
:~$ cd qemu
:~/qemu$ ./configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu --enable-virtfs
:~/qemu$ make -j`nproc`

If all goes well then you should have a shiny qemu-system-aarch64 binary sitting pretty in ~/qemu/build/aarch64-softmmu/.

Grab some firmware

If you're a masochist, you may want to build this yourself. For the rest of us, Debian helpfully provides some pre-packaged UEFI firmware that we can use:

:~$ sudo apt-get install qemu-efi-aarch64

This should place a QEMU_EFI.fd file in /usr/share/qemu-efi-aarch64/. If you're not using Debian, then you can probably just download this file directly from the repository.

Install the host

Installing the host requires us to boot our newly acquired firmware and start the Debian installer from there. We'll create the host environment in a new directory:

:~$ mkdir qemu-host
:~$ cd qemu-host

With that, let's go!

Create a disk

Before we can dive into the installer, we'll need a disk on which to install the new distribution. The qemu-img utility makes this dead easy:

:~/qemu-host$ ~/qemu/build/qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk.img 16G

Notice how the qcow2 format allows the file to expand as necessary, so don't be afraid to make the thing bigger if you want to.

Prepare the firmware

We need a couple of flash partitions to hold the UEFI firmware we downloaded earlier along with its variables to track things such as the boot partition etc.:

:~/qemu-host$ truncate -s 64m varstore.img
:~/qemu-host$ truncate -s 64m efi.img
:~/qemu-host$ dd if=/usr/share/qemu-efi-aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd of=efi.img conv=notrunc

IMPORTANT: You must enter these commands exactly as shown, otherwise you will almost certainly run into problems later on.

Grab some install media

We'll need some install media to boot into initially. I just grabbed the latest stable Debian net installer:

:~/qemu-host$ wget https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/arm64/iso-cd/debian-12.2.0-arm64-netinst.iso

(you may need to adjust the "12.2.0" in the image name to match the version available)

Boot the sucker

It can be a bit daunting driving QEMU, so I usually wrap this one up in a script:

:~/qemu-host$ ~/qemu/build/aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt  \
      -machine virtualization=true -machine virt,gic-version=3  \
      -cpu max,pauth-impdef=on -smp 2 -m 4096           \
      -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=efi.img,readonly=on      \
      -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=varstore.img         \
      -drive if=virtio,format=qcow2,file=disk.img           \
      -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0              \
      -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0      \
      -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0               \
      -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0                \
      -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::8022-:22            \
      -nographic                            \
      -drive if=none,id=cd,file=debian-12.2.0-arm64-netinst.iso \
      -device scsi-cd,drive=cd

(again, you'll need to adjust the .iso filename if you downloaded something more recent)

I've gone for two virtual CPUs (-smp 2) and four gigabytes of memory (-m 4096), but you can choose whatever you like. With any luck, the Debian installer will pop up and you can proceed to follow its instructions. Don't worry about the warning that pops up earlier on (something about 'probing guessed raw'); it's just QEMU trying to make friends.

Eventually, the installer will complete and prompt you to reboot the system. There used to be some problems with the secure boot shim which required attention at this point, but since they appear to have been fixed, you can go ahead and continue.

Using the installed system

Before re-launching QEMU, it's a good idea to remove the Debian .iso so that we don't end up back in the installer if we boot from the CDROM again. The easiest way is simply to remove the last two lines from the QEMU invocation, which gets rid of the emulated CDROM drive entirely. With that gone, you should be able to boot the new system and log in with the credentials you specified during installation. You can also SSH in from your x86 machine on port 8022:

:~$ ssh -p 8022 localhost


Cool tricks

Booting with a custom kernel

Replacing the host kernel can be done by building a Debian kernel package using the bindeb-pkg target exposed by the upstream kernel Makefile. However, this can be a bit of a pain because you have to boot up the old host in order to install the package. For quick prototyping, it's possible to pass a kernel Image directly to QEMU and bypass GRUB entirely:

-kernel /path/to/custom/Image -append "earlycon root=/dev/vda2"

Isn't that magical?

Booting with a custom devicetree blob

If you're hacking on devicetree, you can get QEMU to pass your own devicetree blob (DTB) to the kernel instead of generating its own or even passing a set of dreaded ACPI tables. This is accomplished using the -dtb parameter.

Rather than write the thing from scratch, the easiest solution is to ask QEMU to dump its generated DTB and to use that as a base. In order to dump the DTB, add -machine dumpdtb=virt.dtb to your QEMU invocation. You can then disassemble the .dtb file into a .dts file:

:~$ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
:~$ dtc -o virt.dts -O dts -I dtb virt.dtb

Then, modify the .dts as you like, and recompile it:

:~$ dtc -o virt.dtb -O dtb -I dts virt.dts

Once you have recompiled your .dtb file, you can pass it to QEMU by adding -dtb virt.dtb to the invocation command.

Note: for some reason, the raw dumped .dtb file cannot be passed back to QEMU as-is, it is too large. You must disassemble and recompile it before being able to use it, even if you don't modify it.

Note: QEMU does not parse the DTB to create the right number of CPUs and so on. All the QEMU parameters must still be specified (-smp, -m, -cpu, ...) to describe the hardware. Specifying -dtb simply replaces the QEMU-generated DTB passed to the kernel with a user-provided one, and that is all it does.

Sharing files with 9pfs

Although you can use scp to transfer files to and from the emulated environment, it's sometimes handy to share a directory on your x86 machine directly. This can be achieved using 9pfs by adding the following options to your QEMU invocation:

-virtfs local,path=/path/to/shared/dir,mount_tag=host0,security_model=mapped,id=host0

This can then be mounted from within the arm64 host using the following command:

:~# mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L host0 /path/to/mount/point

Debugging with GDB

QEMU exposes a GDB interface to an internal stub implementation, which allows you to debug the arm64 host! Invoking QEMU with -S -s will cause it to pause during startup, awaiting a GDB connection on port 1234. From another terminal on your x86 machine, you can do:

:~$ aarch64-linux-gdb vmlinux
(gdb) target remote :1234

Boot a guest

You could more-or-less repeat the steps performed on your x86 machine from within the host to launch an arm64 KVM guest, but I find it less hassle to use kvmtool. From within the arm64 host:

:~$ sudo apt-get install gcc git libfdt-dev make

Then grab the sources:

:~$ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/will/kvmtool.git
:~$ cd kvmtool
:~/kvmtool$ make -j2

You should be able to fire up a guest right away by abusing the Debian initrd as a basic filesystem:

:~/kvmtool$ sudo ./lkvm run -p "break=mount" -i /boot/initrd.img