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Index of /gentoo/gentoo-portage/dev-libs/

Index of /gentoo/gentoo-portage/dev-libs/

9libs/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
FBGEMM/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
FP16/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
FXdiv/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
Ice/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
OpenNI/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
OpenNI2/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
amdgpu-pro-opencl/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
aml/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
angelscript/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
antlr-c/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
apache-arrow/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
appstream/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
appstream-glib/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
apr/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
apr-util/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
argtable/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
asmjit/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
atcore/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
atf/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
atk/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
avro-c/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
aws-c-cal/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
aws-c-common/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
aws-c-event-stream/                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
aws-c-io/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
aws-checksums/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ayatana-ido/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
bcm2835/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
bemenu/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
bglibs/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
bitset/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
bitshuffle/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
blake3/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
boehm-gc/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
boost/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
boron/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
botan/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
boxfort/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
c-blosc/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
c-blosc2/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
c-capnproto/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
c-siphash/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
c-stdaux/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cJSON/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
capnproto/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
capstone/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
castxml/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cdk/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cereal/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cgilib/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cglm/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cgreen/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
check/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
chmlib/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cjose/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cl/                                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
clog/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
collada-dom/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
concurrencykit/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
confuse/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
console_bridge/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cowsql/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cppcodec/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cpuinfo/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
crc32c/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
criterion/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
crossguid/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
crypto++/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cudnn/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cudnn-frontend/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cutlass/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cvector/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cxxopts/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cxxtools/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cyberjack/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
cyrus-sasl/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
d0_blind_id/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
darts/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
date/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dbus-c++/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dbus-glib/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dietlibc/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ding-libs/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
distorm3/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dmalloc/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dotconf/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
double-conversion/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dqlite/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
dynolog/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
eb/                                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
editline/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
eekboard/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
efl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
elfutils/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ell/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
eventlog/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
expat/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
faxpp/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
fcgi/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
fddl/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ferrisloki/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ffcall/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
flatbuffers/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
folks/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
foma/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
freexl/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
fribidi/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
fstrm/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gdl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
geoip/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gf-complete/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gf2x/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
girara/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gjs/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
glib/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gmime/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gmp/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gnulib/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gobject-introspection/                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gobject-introspection-common/                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gom/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gost-engine/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
granite/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
grantlee/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
gumbo/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
half/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
heatshrink/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hidapi/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hipother/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hiredict/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hiredis/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
http-fetcher/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hyphen/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hyprland-protocols/                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
hyprlang/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
icinga-php-library/                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
icinga-php-thirdparty/                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
icu/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
icu-layoutex/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
icu-le-hb/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
igraph/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
iksemel/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
imath/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
immer/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
inih/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
iniparser/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
input-pad/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
intel-compute-runtime/                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
intel-metrics-discovery/                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
intel-metrics-library/                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
intel-vc-intrinsics/                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
isa-l/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
isa-l_crypto/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
isl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ivykis/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
jansson/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
jemalloc/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
jerasure/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
json-c/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
json-glib/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
json-parser/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
jsoncpp/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
jsonrpc-glib/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
jthread/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
judy/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kdiagram/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kdsingleapplication/                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
keybinder/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
keystone/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kirigami-addons/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kopeninghours/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kosmindoormap/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kpathsea/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kpublictransport/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kqoauth/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ktextaddons/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
kweathercore/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
lager/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
leatherman/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
level-zero/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
leveldb/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libIDL/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libaio/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libansilove/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libassuan/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libatasmart/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libatomic_ops/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libax25/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libayatana-appindicator/                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libayatana-indicator/                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libb64/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libbase58/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libbpf/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libbsd/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libbson/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libbulletml/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libburn/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libbytesize/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcbor/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcdada/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcdio/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcdio-paranoia/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcec/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcgroup/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libclthreads/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libconfig/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcpuid/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcroco/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libcss/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdaemon/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdazzle/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdbh/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdbusmenu/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdbusmenu-lxqt/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdbusmenu-qt/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdex/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdispatch/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdivecomputer/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdivsufsort/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdnet/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdnsres/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdshconfig/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libdynd/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libebml/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libedit/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libee/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libei/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libelf/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liberasurecode/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libestr/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libev/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libevdev/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libevent/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libezV24/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libf2c/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libfastjson/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libffi/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libffi-compat/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libfido2/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libfilezilla/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libflatarray/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libfmt/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libfstrcmp/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libg15/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libg15render/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgamin/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgaminggear/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgcrypt/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgcrypt-compat/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgdata/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgee/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgit2/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgit2-glib/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libglib-testing/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgnome-games-support/                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgnt/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgpg-error/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgpiod/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgrapheme/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgudev/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgusb/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libgweather/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libhid/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libical/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libiconv/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libindicate/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libinput/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libintl/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libisoburn/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libisofs/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libite/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libixion/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libjcat/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libjodycode/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libjwt/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libkdumpfile/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libkpass/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libksba/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libliftoff/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liblinear/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liblogging/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liblognorm/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liblouis/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libltdl/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liblzw/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmaa/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmacaroons/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmanette/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmateweather/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmaxminddb/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmba/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmcfp/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmcrypt/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmelf/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmemcached/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmemcached-awesome/                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmirage/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmix/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmodbus/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmoe/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmowgli/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmpack/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libmspack/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libnatspec/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libnfc/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libnl/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libnop/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libnsfb/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libnsutils/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libofx/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liboil/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
liborcus/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libotf/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libowfat/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libp11/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libparserutils/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpcre/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpcre-debian/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpcre2/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpeas/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpfm/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libphonenumber/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpipeline/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libplatform/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libportal/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpqxx/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpsl-native/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpthread-stubs/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libptytty/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpwquality/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libpy/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libqt5pas/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libqt6pas/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libqtxdg/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libratbag/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
librdkafka/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
librelp/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libretls/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
librevenge/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libsass/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libscfg/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libsecp256k1/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libserdes/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libserialport/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libsigc++/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libsigsegv/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libslz/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libsodium/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libspnav/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libspt/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libstroke/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libstrophe/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtar/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtasn1/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtecla/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtermkey/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libthreadar/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtimezonemap/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtomcrypt/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtomfloat/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtommath/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtompoly/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtpms/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtracecmd/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtraceevent/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtracefs/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libtsm/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libucl/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libudfread/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libuev/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libugpio/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libunibreak/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libuninum/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libunique/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libunistring/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libusb/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libusb-compat/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libusbhp/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libutf8proc/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libuv/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libvarlink/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libverto/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libvformat/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libvoikko/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libvterm/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libwacom/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libwapcaplet/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libwbxml/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libx86/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libx86emu/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxdg-basedir/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxdiff/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxls/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxlsxwriter/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxml2/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxmlb/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libxslt/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libyaml/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libzia/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
libzip/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
light/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
link-grammar/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
linux-syscall-support/                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
lockdev/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
log4cplus/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
log4cpp/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
log4cxx/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
log4sh/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
luise/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
lzo/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
m17n-lib/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
maloc/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
marisa/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mathjax/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mdns/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
metee/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mimalloc/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mimetic/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
miniaudio/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
miniz/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mm/                                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mmtf-cpp/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
modsecurity/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mongo-c-driver/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mpc/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mpdecimal/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mpfr/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
msgpack/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
mxml/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nanomsg/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ncnn/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nettle/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
newt/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nmeap/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
npth/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nsgenbind/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nspr/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nss/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nss-pem/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nsync/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ntl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
nwjs/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
olm/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
oneDNN/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
onigmo/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
oniguruma/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
opencl-clang/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
opencl-icd-loader/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
opencryptoki/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
openct/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
openobex/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
openpace/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
opensc/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
openspecfun/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
openssl/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
openssl-compat/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
optix/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ossp-uuid/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pakchois/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
papi/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pcc-libs/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pcl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pegtl/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pfs/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pigpio/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pkcs11-helper/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
plasma-wayland-protocols/                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pmdk/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pocketfft/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pocl/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
poco/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
popt/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ppl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
protobuf/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
protobuf-c/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
psimd/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pslib/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ptexenc/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pthreadpool/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
pugixml/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qcoro/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qcoro5/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qcustomplot/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qhotkey/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qoauth/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qqwing/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qr-code-generator/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qtkeychain/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
quazip/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
qxlsx/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
raft/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rapidjson/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rasqal/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rccl/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
re2/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
redis-ipc/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
redland/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
redland-bindings/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rinutils/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rlog/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rocdbgapi/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rocksdb/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rocm-comgr/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rocm-device-libs/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rocm-opencl-runtime/                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rocr-runtime/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
roct-thunk-interface/                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
rremove/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
s2n/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
sdformat/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
sentry-native/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
serd/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
serdisplib/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
sexpp/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
shhopt/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
simde/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
simdjson/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
skalibs/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
sleef/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
snowball-stemmer/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
softhsm/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
sord/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
spdlog/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
spsdeclib/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
squareball/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
starpu/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
stb/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
stfl/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
teakra/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
template-glib/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
thrift/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tinyxml/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tinyxml2/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tllist/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tlsh/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tntnet/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tomsfastmath/                                      22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
totem-pl-parser/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tre/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-bash/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-c/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-c-sharp/                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-cmake/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-cpp/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-css/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-embedded-template/                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-gleam/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-go/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-haskell/                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-html/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-java/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-javascript/                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-jsdoc/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-json/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-julia/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-lua/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-markdown/                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-markdown-inline/                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-meta/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-ocaml/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-php/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-python/                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-ql/                                    22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-query/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-regex/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-ruby/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-rust/                                  22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-scala/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-tsq/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-tsx/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-typescript/                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-vim/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tree-sitter-vimdoc/                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
trio/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tvision/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
tvmet/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
ucl/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
udis86/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
unibilium/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
unittest++/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
univalue/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
urdfdom/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
urdfdom_headers/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
uriparser/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
userspace-rcu/                                     22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
utfcpp/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
uthash/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
uulib/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
vala-common/                                       22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
vc/                                                22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
vectorscan/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
voikko-fi/                                         22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
volume_key/                                        22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
wayland/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
wayland-protocols/                                 22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
weston/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xalan-c/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xapian/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xapian-bindings/                                   22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xbyak/                                             22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xerces-c/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xmlrpc-c/                                          22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xmlsec/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
xxhash/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
yajl/                                              22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
yaz/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
yyjson/                                            22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
zix/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
zug/                                               22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
zziplib/                                           22-Dec-2024 10:10                   -
Manifest.gz                                        22-Dec-2024 03:11              100484
metadata.xml                                       11-Sep-2021 13:40                1432